I entered these two images in my first color photo contest in years and both were nominated. These two pictures were taken 45 minutes apart.

American Dream Mall, NJ -photographed for the construction company’s portfolio.

A shot from 20 floors above Walnut St, just West of Rittenhouse Square. This is achieved by using the tilt shift blur in Photoshop which turns the regularly focused shot into an artistic blurred image reminiscent of a train set village.

I walked around the block to photograph the back of a home and along the way I spotted this great view of St Peter’s Church in Philadelphia. I shoot a lot of B roll, it’s a bonus if I get to use it.

Nice little group of design elements from a job last month.

Last week in Philly with a nice view of the “Benny”.

A row home perfectly decorated for photography. Complete with cute dog. Nice to see the Mahogany floor accent nicely preserved.

A row home perfectly decorated for photography. Complete with cute dog, and nicely preserved Mahogany floor accents. Getting the delicate glowing color on the ceiling from the chandelier is always tough. But it is worth it.

I like how the chairs take on a surreal quality.

I like how the chairs and shadowing take on a surreal quality.

Lovely design elements mixed with great architecture.

Lovely design elements mixed with great architecture.

Screen shot of the Bright mls real estate site of a shoot I did this Spring.

Screen shot of the Bright mls real estate site of a shoot I did this Spring.

Been a while since I posted a B&W. Philly near Washington Square

Been a while since I posted a B&W. Near Washington Square in Philly.